We have it 🙂
We are pleased to announce the creation of our new product. In connection with the soon to come into force the Directive on whistleblowers, we have created a new reporting channel especially for you under the name SYGNALISTA24.info.
In subsequent editions, we will discover its uniqueness and advantage over other solutions.
A special website under the same name runs to our product.
The works were attended by:
- IT specialists and programmers from ADOP Sp. z o.o. http://adop.pl/
- our kindest graphic artist Magdalena Polakowska https://www.instagram.com/voteforpralka/
- lawyers from several law firms, including Wacławik i Cieciórski, M. Fimowicz Legal and others
- employees of several local government institutions who tested our solution
employees of large companies, over 250 people, in the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone
More on the website: Sygalista24.info, as well as on the Linkedin and Facebook platforms.
2 odpowiedzi
Dobrze wykonana praca. Sprawa sygnalisty w UE będzie coraz szerzej omawiana. Zachęcam do kontynuowania wpisów.
Mieczysław Stępień
Dziękuję za słowa wsparcia.
Proszę również zaglądać na stronę http://www.sygnalista24.info , gdzie sygnalista jest w centrum uwagi. Zamieszczamy tam również na bieżąco stan prawny, studium przypadków, szkolenia i sposób wdrażania.
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